Monday, 18 May 2009
Thursday, 14 May 2009
so proud...
big hugs xxxx
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
We did it, we did it ! woop!
Big loves
Bex x
Printing of the Blog
Hey all
Love you all xxxx
well done!
will start posting bout a night out soon!
thanks everyone your the best bunch ever!
:) x x x x
Monday, 11 May 2009
Don't Panic
the nigth before!
just a few points.
was thinkin we all need the following for our reports:
copy of power point
presentation word doc
images(of all our work and exhibition etc, probably can rip thesed of the powerpoint )
blog (printed off into a file)
was thinkin we need to all swap this information tomo and burn it on to sticks or discs, if not tomo then maybe on wednesday?
good luck to everyone for tomorrow i'm sure we'll do great x x x x
Sunday, 10 May 2009
nearly there guys :)
awwwh! its nearly presentation time
Saturday, 9 May 2009
A Bit More But Excuse the grammar guys!!
Ok am losing the will to live TBContinued tomorrow
Adding to the blurb only an outline to be tweaked, just to get the bulk down
With time being short we had to draw on organisational and imaginative skills, we had to consider every possible option from using outside space to libraries as we felt that using the white space at YSJ was taking the easy option. We found that more than one of us took on the role of completer finisher and we adapted to the pressures put upon us. We were finding more and more the practice of working together made us a stronger unit not wanting to let one another down in any way and a desire to work at our optimum level of achievement.
The good news came that we were indeed able to exhibit at Space 109, this is when we had to step up a gear which was a group decision and when the blog came into it’s own with images, flyers, programmes being designed we were able to keep in full contact with one another.
We delegated work amongst ourselves co-ordinating the work load so we all had a fair amount of work considering the logistics of other commitments maybe if Tara wants to mention something here about difficulties then ……..fill this space.
With only a few days left to exhibition invites were being sent out using virtual and paper methods, anxiety set in but we found that it was at different levels at differing times amongst us so we were able to support one another when needed. On exhibition day a group meeting first thing was the proverbial deep breath the calm before the storm other modules had to take precedence.
With our satisfaction that other work was finished we set off to Space 109, only one of us had seen the space previously so we wouldn’t know what to expect. with an all hands on deck approach we focused on what had to be done and did so with minimal commotion or fuss, proving that there was a good working relationship between us at a time when things could really become very stressful support from one another was again apparent.
I think this could work if we were wearing black only, have a think and add/change. The more ideas we have the better. I will try to add more to the document tonight and post.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
presentation prep
much loves,
T xxx
Leo’s brightest star is Regulus, Latin for “little king,” which describes perfectly this sign’s approach to life. Leos are natural leaders and performers who expect the best from themselves and others. Like the sun, which governs this sign, Leos are warm-hearted, direct, and most comfortable being at the center of things. Luxury and comfort are considered necessities for a Leo, and are shared generously with friends. When their fiery temper is aroused, their “roar” can be deafening, but passes just as quickly with no lingering resentment. Proud and self-confident, Leos are excellent managers and entrepreneurs, and their energy and enthusiasm are a ray of sunshine to all.
The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries symbolizes new beginnings. Arians tend to be aggressive and direct in expressing themselves, and are happiest when they can get something started and lead the way. Their key phrase is "I am." Ruled by the planet Mars, this fire sign is adventurous, impulsive and full of energy. When first meeting the "ram," one's impression is of someone who's exciting, vibrant and extremely talkative. Arians happily offer their opinions on any and all topics, naturally migrating toward the center of the action. When associating yourself with an Aries, you are destined for a wild ride, if in fact you can keep up with their pace.
Sagittarians are energetic and naturally outgoing, achieving each goal through positive thinking. These "archers" seek knowledge and wisdom and never tire of the quest for what is yet to come. Challenges keep a Sagittarian's spirit thriving, and once met, a target is set for the next goal, and the next. Astrologers believe that being born under this fire sign gives Sagittarians the gift of providence - that luck protects them. Under the jovial rule of Jupiter, they make for charming and agreeable companions. Their key phrase is "I see." Never dwelling on what has happened today, a Sagittarian constantly believes that something wonderful will happen tomorrow. Sagittarians have such a zest for life that they make you want to hang on with them and enjoy the ride.
star sign/ initial inspiration
At the heart of the constellation Scorpius, the red giant star Antares burns with a fiery intensity matched by astrological Scorpio’s passionate temperament. Ruled by Pluto, Greek God of the Netherworld, Scorpio is intimately connected with the extremes of life, with beginnings and endings, conception and lasting legacies.As the sign of purpose and success, the dedication and drive of Scorpio is unmatched. Of course, if a Scorpio’s anger is aroused, or she feels out of control and disordered, the sting of rebuke will be unmistakable! Scorpios thrive in pursuits that require intuition and deeper understanding, including medicine, spirituality, and philosophy.
hey guys... thought id add the starsign research i did at the begginning :) having trouble uploading the pics i found that inspired me to paint all of your auras but i should get them on this aft...
Libra: September 23 - October 23
Libra, the only inanimate sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by Venus. Modern-day astrologers often view Libra as the most generous of the Zodiac because it represents the "Zenith of the Year," when the harvest of the spring's hard work is reaped. Because Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, Librans admire beauty in many forms, such as art, music, and even people. Librans are very likeable due to their captivating charm. Being an air sign, Librans are intellectual and continuously seek out knowledge and new ideas. Born under the sign of the Scales, their spirits thrive on balance and harmony and are most at peace when the world around them is orderly and serene.
linda montano
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Hope its ok
Results:) and presentation:(
It was pretty easy to work out will go over it with you guys on Fri just thought I save some time.
Results are interesting. Charlie, Bex and Tara were the most obvious. Shame me and suzanne didn't get the colour we were. How did you work the whole thing out, it would have baffled me haha!!
The Results Are In
Bex - Red
66.5% - Bex
14% - Charlie
14% - Tara
5.5% - Clare
Just would like to say a big thank you for donations especially one generous note donation....Thank you.
Last night... She said....
We did it!
Just the presentation to nail. Lets get to work on it on the blog! It's going to have to be cracking, we've set ourselves a standard :)
Bex x x x x x x x x x
we did it!
and extra personal thanks to those of you who are helping sort the space out todau owe you one.
see you tomo x x x
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Monday, 4 May 2009
Feel Better Soon!
ok calm it.
Right.... everything looks like its sorted. I need to get Jo flowers and chocs tomorrow.
1) what time is everybody heading to uni tomorrow?
2) are we going straight from uni to space 109?
feeling poorly
got the wine glasses today willdrop them annd tablecloths jugs and dishes off at susannes this evenning.
weldone on the flyers clare.
where is tara!
wine and nibbles
Game on everybody!
Today i handed out some flyers in town and took them to some hairdressers and shops. I tried to hand out as many as possible but town was dead, cold and rainy!!
Tomorrow is going to have to be a flyer hand out marathon!
Hows everyone today?
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Keeping up to date
If you want a lift Charlie I can come and get you and bring anything in the car, absolutly no probs. Monday and or Tuesday plz just ask.
The prpgrammes look ge8 now with the mini pics on the front, will buff them up, seeing we've established how sad I actually am. lol, will get the mini photo's mounted later today.
If anyone has any problems getting anything, or getting something done, post it on and one or another of us can help out.
getting somewhere
regarding sticky things for pics, we have go some stuff that stuff susanne brought i started preping it to the pics yest.
i'll get wine glasses and clothes don't worrry i'll sort somebowls and table cloths.
transport there's a quandry i'm sure w'ell sort it out, i may need to gie this stuff to susanne or bexon monday night and if you need to park on the day i'll split parking costs.
think the presentation ideas sound good bex.
thanks all we'are doing well.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Today was well worth the blood sweat and tears haha!! Just to let you know i have cut all the flyers loads to hand out!! Hopfully the contents of the packs are correct and then we are ready to rumble. I thought the photographs were amazing and really chuffed with everything.
Things to sort out for Tuesday is to finish all the mounting etc. hand out some flyers, keep posting on blog and keep smiling!!
I need to get jo some flowers and chocs, we need wine & nibbles, soft drinks, plastic cups and sticky things to put up photographs etc.
Let me know if you want me to get anything. I'll hand some flyers out tomorrow in town.
Feeling Good
Shall have a think about the presentation and we can disuuss Tuesday, just a thought, are we going straight from uni to Space 109, will have to sort out the logistics of car parking etc.
Keep on blogging !
todays meeting!
So thinking about presentation. I think that we should split it into sections,
Maybe prehaps:
Blog + Ideas
Team work and belbin roles
Organising the interactive 'exhibition'
Further collaboration (connie, joe and space 109) ?
And some kind of activity for the audience....
...... I like the idea of recording the presentation, and showing the images in time with the speech, do we think that this is feasable?
Lastly Thank you to Joe Beresford for working with us today, your help has been amazing!
Bex x x x x x
Friday, 1 May 2009
'm back!
such a big weldone and thanks to susanne and clare stirling effort. has tken ten minutes just to read it all!
all sounds very exciting no a good flower shop close to uni for jo, could get some on tues morn.
how many peeps are we reckonning on? need to work out amounts of wine etc
why is tara still not on the blog. bloody technology!
What does everyone think to the idea of having the canvasses in space 109 but not making it a main feature?
Welcome back
For those who don't know Clare got a reply from Vanessa and Jane saying they would attend, great support from tutors I'd say, Helen said she would at lecture.
The main thing is getting the evening absolutly spot on......any input appreciated.
Last but not least:-
What time are we meeting 11am good for everyone??
Party on!
On thursday I spent a while chopping up some card, folding them in half, so we could attach mini instructions/programes in them, their looking goodm I got to about 80 before I gave up!
Looking forward to seeing everybody on Sat, Looks like everything is pulling to a close really well.
Is everybody keeping total on what they have spent? I think we should have an after exhibition meeting....probably ten mins out of our presentation meeting to make sure that costs have been spread equally.
I also think that after all of the assesments are done, we should arrange a big social night out :)
Have been thinking a lot about presentation. Will post some ideas a wee bit later on today.
Bex x x x
Thursday, 30 April 2009
What's next?
Ive posted the flyers up and around Uni. In the library, art block, walkways everywhere!!
I didn't add our names however but that can be arranged for the flyers.
Also we just received an email about photos for white cube, its for tuesday morning latest. Just to let you know theres an email.
Keep in touch everyone
Flyers etc
If your putting flyers in uni, then maybe A4 more of a 'poster' I'll send out some flyers with Emz tomorrow and via email.
The invite is sorted now on facebook, well done, looks great, hope we have lots 'attending'
We can use the pink box I had as donations box, I have printed out the sign for that.
I just need to know whether groups of words or individual words need printing.
I think were on schedule, just get the invites out as many as poss.
I will print out some flyers today and i suppose i could stick one in the art block as well as in fountains?
I will also email the tutors to invite them along. Plus i'll sort out Jo something nice.
Any other jobs for today? I think the photographs should be cut to squares i think thats what everyone wanted. I seem to remember that.
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
I cannot sleep !!
Although.....on second thoughts........... how does everyone feel about the use of one word describing two people it could be a red herring?
This of course is if the words are the 5 words be all together or separate little pieces?
Have a Good Feeling
Brill with the flyers invites etc....thanks so much.
Will do the 'words' tomorrow..........really have a good feeling about this 'xcitin'
Anything else you think of to get on blog guys.
Just one last thing b4 I get off to bed........We are defo cutting down large photos without white edge (that is all left for big prints)
Jo just got back to me "That'll be fine - I understand being a poor student! You will have to let them all know that it's thanks to you volunteering that they can use the space - I'm not usually that generous but do believe in looking after the people who help us!
So - I'll book you in for next Tuesday from 5 pm and I would love to come along!
Ill sort out a bunch of flowers for her and a box of chocs. Plus we can try and get donations.
As we speak im just trying to figure out facebook haha, people are sending me invitations so it can be done.. i WILL figure it out! yes those words are PERFECT for tara :) i think just print outs of them font size 14-20? something like that :)
Getting there
Fun Loving
Suits her, so I'll get those done and the rest, how many of each? How big?
I think A5 for the flyer, yes. Not too many needs to be done yet, more for the night really, when I see it I will copy and print some for me to hand around too, Thanks.
Oh yes have you invited tutors? Or will that be part of Facebook?
In terms of the flyer i emailed it out but i never worked. So i will try again now as i have just got in. I'll do the flyer tomorrow, how many print outs shall i do in A5??
Thank you for gettinbg the boxes, keep all the reciepts and we will just 5th everything aswell as your ink cartridges. tara isnt on blog yet :( so it might be worth dropping her txts.
Is therre anything else to do?
Exhibition here we come!!!
Am I not seeing facebook a message but no link or any sign of flyer, it's prob just me but better check.
I have done an artist statement, will copy and post, it is too long, I think, can everyone have a look and adjust, please please do!!......I can print and bring Sat....its kind of my personal deadline for all printing etc.
Thats great about Jo we will certainly put a donations box and would love her feedback.
The flyer looks fab, i will send it out as a facebook invite, however only my friends will beable to see it, so i thinks its wise if we all do that separately to maximise the amount of people who see it. I will also print out the flyers tomorrow and start handing some around uni, my friends etc.
Well done susanne on the boxes, that is fab. Also mostly all of us have blogged our 5 words. How many copies of these are we printing? Enough so everyone in the room has one? That would equal out to quite alot but i will print some if needs be :)
Space 109
If the venue is sorted then we should think get on with putting a time on the flyer and producing it, Emz will take some round college and give to her photography tutor.
I have the glass containers ....rectangle glass about 5 inches high..... 5 of them....txt Tara to let her know....not sure if she is still having probs getting on. Also got double sided sticky bits to attach foam boards to walls.
What do you think about instructions???? Shall I print them off A4 size?
Exhibition @ Space 109
You could use the space from 5 pm - 10 pm - although the rooms are free in the morning until 12.30 if you needed more time.
I don't know if you or your colleagues have a budget for room hire? I suspect not! If that's the case I will give the rooms out rent free as a goodwill gesture but would hope that your fellow students, lecturers etc could possibly give Space 109 a donation? You'll have to get the bucket out to shake!
If you do have a budget then the 2 front rooms work out at £18 per hour,
I hope this is ok
I have been thinking....what if we had our work in three sections ....firt bit, photo's mounted on wall........second bit 4 small photo's mounted above a table with the words and glass containers.....third section our would spread things about, save putting up(and taking down) shelves and we could direct the blurb to each artist statement .....instructions etc, just a thought.
Mature Creative.
bex and me were playin aound with blurb for people to see as they go in printed big :
what do you think to this:
Sketching perceptions welcomes you to our collaboration . we are attempting to gain furrther insights into each others and our own personalties .
We would like you to match each list of words to whichever set of pictures you think best represent a person with these character traits .
At the end of the evening we will reveal to you the artist and subjects of these images.
we hope you enjoy this evening and we would like to thank you for assisting our collaboration.
dunno have a play that what we got? dunno makes sense to anyone esle?
like what you've put susanne, big star!
will not be able not to acess puter till friday lunch but you can text me :)
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Pop it on the flyer
Can we see past the image ?
That could be something to put on the flyer?.....
Can we see past the image?
We invite you to help us investigate whether the very personal items we treasure can be paired up with our external persona?
I'm on a bit of a roll, I've just typed out some blurb while everything is still fresh.......use some in the flyer or in the bigger blurb ....or not at all .......I can always put it in the presentation.
"This work has come from an investigation into identity, how we are perceived by others a dichotomy of characteristics juxtaposed against how we perceive ourselves.
With this as a starting point our collaboration of five artists began research individually and as a group to consider how we could involve others in our quest, complete strangers, friends and family.
After a discussion amongst ourselves, colour associations were made and thus the solution was paintings, not in any way intended to be masterpieces, rather a sketch in colour and texture an overall feel for one another’s personality. It was an introspective way of working and in the process, a route of discovery"
Yes i will change it to five artists as that sounds better. I agree to adding more. Do you want to add a bit on.. feel free. When you have time of course haha you are a busy bee now!!
Jos just got back to me saying thats all fine. She said she will properly confirm by email asap.
Hopfully late afternoon is good for us setting up until 10pm!!
Fine artists or Five artists......are we promoting ourselves too highly? Just want to get it right sorry!
Emz said she'll come along and go out on the streets with the flyers to get people in on the night....boyfriend in tow of course!!!!
Names on flyers? I have a copy of the flyer here if you want to look at the template. Do you have an email address i could send it to you for your opinions?
Names etc
The print outs will be finished by Sat let me know how you all want them trimmed.........they are ever so slightly bigger than original, but I have tweaked them and they don't have lines, some colours are a little more intense tho, hope thats ok.
I will finish the flyer tomorrow and will let you know asap if Jo gets back to me.
Fingers crossed.
Got a text from Tara she had no luck with containers, I'll go tomorrow and let you know.
As soon as we get the nod from Jo the flyer's, virtual or otherwise can go...they looked great btw.
Should we put out names on the flyer' the artists???
Words we are choosing
No reply back from Jo yet but i'm sure tomorrow everything will be secured. How many words are we having for each box? did we say 5? or are we having every word?
My top five for susanne would be;
Kind Spirited
Down To Earth
Shall we have just 5 words or every word?
28th April
The words used to describe me were as follows:
Strong, Secure, Hard working, Witty, Orderly, Kind spirited, Engaging, Dedicated, Bubbly, Down to Earth, Inspiring, Independent, Honest, Tactful and Caring.
Wow, that was really nice to read again, thanks guys.
If Tara can let me know about the glass thingy's before tomorrow that'd be great as I can get on and I'm stuck in all day Thurs.
hello, agenda from todays meeting!
Enneagram Personality Type Indicator Results
Your highest score will indicate you basic type, or it will be among the top 2-3 scores. Low scores in some type might come out negative. That's perfectly normal.
For best results, you should answer all the questions that apply.
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 Type 9
3 6 -5 0 -2 -2 9 -3 -6
The Nine Personality Types of the Enneagram
Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type.
Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type.
Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type.
Type 4: The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type.
Type 5: The Thinker. The perceptive, cerebral type.
Type 6: The Skeptic. The committed, security-oriented type.
Type 7: The Generalist. The enthusiastic, productive type.
Type 8: The Leader. The powerful, aggressive type.
Type 9: The Peacemaker. The easygoing, accommodating type.
Monday, 27 April 2009
Just finished my placement and spoke to Jo. She said it is fine to exhibit in Space 109 and invite people. Obviously the space needs to be looked after and any wall hangings we place in must be removed etc. She said she will trust me with the keys (which i was abit scared about hehe) She said to give her an email and she will arrange a time that we can have it for a few hours next week. I told her tuesday would be great and she said tuesday night. Ill will email her tomorrow to see if she is any further finding us a slot.
This is a definate exhbit!!
Yoko Ono
Talking of labels today reminded me of this piece by Ono at the Baltic, I loved it, for what it stood for but also aesthetically.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Exhib again!
I was just reading Suzanne's post on 'testing' other people on each other's personalities, would you like me to arrange this for the exhibition, like a guest book/ comments pages?
Exhibition V.I.P
This exhib' has been the biggest struggle to organise. Constantly being rejected by everybody i thinks has finally driven me mad so...... Here's the big idea. I am going to hold an 'open studio' type exhibition, right here at 105 Carr Lane! I hope nobody has plans for Bank Holiday monday, which is May 4th, this is the only free day i have over the next few weeks, so i hope it's ok for everyone else. I will be lingering around the studio most of tomorrow, don't want to post phone number on here, but you can contact me through Bex. Hopefully this will be a really fun day, with drinks and bbq food throughout the day, it'll be an open event so invite friends and family! Any work can be exhibited, so bring along any pieces you've got n want to flaunt!
Luv n stuff
Con x
Saturday, 25 April 2009
im back and ready to rock! Ive painted my canvasses, however i have a few touch ups to do. I will try and have them ready for monday!
I also have my box finished, what do i need to do now? Take photos of them?
I will be seeing Jo Pullar on Monday so if you need me to ask her anything i can do.
Clare Bear :D
Friday, 24 April 2009
Friday 24th
BTW the funny logo(ish) thing is me ...1, wanting to see colour on the blog and 2, utterly fed up with writing reports...give me an essay anyday!! (Its all the paintings blended together) Crap but colourful. lol!! you want me to paint the sides of yours white seeing as I have them and you won't get back til next week?
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Thursday 23rd
both those ideas for a space seem promising.
yeah the edges of the paintings white so they look neater? just a suggestion
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Wed 22nd
No reply from artspace....but got hold of Jo from Space 109 (sorted Hoardings placement first) then asked 'if she knew of a venue we could use' if were lucky she may know of somewhere if not at Space 109.
Does anyone remember the email that was sent to us all from York uni asking if we wanted to exhibit? I know it was for a specific exhibition and would not relate to us......but I think I'll email them later.....I will wait to see if I get anything back from Jo.
Do you mean paint the edges of the paintings white?
poloroids sound good, but work out how much its gonna cost on photo paper and we can share it.
i think for monday we do need to consider display. i think at this stage think the paintings maybe best displayed in no order. and a simple white strip edging them off.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
I have also emailed Artspace enquiring about a venue either there or asking if they can direct us, I have described the project and hopefully it will sound interesting I have only requested a few hours....thought it best to keep it simple.
I am meeting with a community artist Thursday morning and with mention out quest and see if she has some suggestions. I've been able to get hold of Jo Puller about the Hoardings placement yet so it may be a while before I get hold of her....maybe if Claire is seeing her you could ask??
Also (sorry if your not happy about this) I showed Emz all out work and actually it was great, she loved working out personalities and gave me the idea that it could also be a kind of personality 'test' with the audience making suggestions as to what personality matched the painting....I was really pleased the way she enjoyed the participation and think it could really work well with people we don't know!
Have started printing out the photo's but before I go on, wanted to check whether it was OK if i did them on photo paper ....the 'kind of' look like Polaroids with one white edge for writing on. Or would you prefer card????
I will need everyones paintings next time we meet if that's OK but will bring back Charlie's and Tara's.
Maybe we need to think about a frame or mount of some kind on Monday it could be easier if time is short to transport.
Keep in touch
Summary of Mondays meeting.IMPORTANT INFO!
Agenda; Initial showing of paintings and boxes
Analysed pictures and boxes very telling about eah other!
Dicussed exhibition: thought an interactive plan would be best mounting our work on the wall randomly with named identity boxes of each of us so people could see a snapshot of our personality and then identify who created which work and of who. to do this small photos of each work will be made so people can write this information on them.
we also dicussed having this interaction in three stages:
firstly a group made up of people that know one of us very well.
secondly people that know us all but not well, ie fellow students.
thirdly complete strangers.
Susanne is creating small pictures of each of the paintings, 20 of each.
Tara is liasing with bex to get on the Blog.
Connie please can you look into 'the white cube space'at uni Nathan Chenery has it scheduale, think we would nedd it for a few hours preferable afternoon early evening.
Charlie, emailing helen about empty shop space another possible venue?
NEXT MEETING MONDAY 27TH (2PM as a start at studios, if this is inconvient for anyone please let us know)
if i havent heard form you all by Friday will contact people individually.
see you all soon
Monday, 20 April 2009
hey there
Love Bex
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Monday then !!
Let me know a time that is best and we can text or facebook it, for those that dont see this.
Are we bringing the paintings with us??
Monday Rendevous
monday good for a meeting , afternoon would suit me better but i'm flexible. when we decide a time i'll facebook and text Tara. She can't get on the blog but i have given her the links to it and asked her to email bex so i dunno?
she did say she'd be able to make the meetings this week?
looking forward to seeing you all x x x
Friday, 17 April 2009
What's next ?
If the booking of a venue is difficult did anyone see the email from Nathan about booking the 'White cube' could be an option.
Not sure if Tara is having difficulty setting up, has anyone heard from her? I think she has all ou phone numbers ...if we meet Monday I/we can text her.
I have sorted my canvasses but am in the process of the box will be ready ...promise!! everyone able to make a starting point I could suggest a time and place.....Art block...11am ??
Only a suggestion to get the ball rolling.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Canvasses and Box Project???
How is everyone going with the box project and the canvasses?? Ive nearly done my canvasses, the deadline we set was for today i think. Also i have a box and my posessions to put in my box. On the 27th i will have everything ready and complete.
ANYONE ELSE?? is tara on the blog yet? Is she having problems connecting like we did?
Personality tests furthered...
slightly expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed judging personality
Personality Tests
If you scored 7 - 10: Your result suggests you are a good empathiser, sensitive to other people's emotions. Women generally fall into this category.
Ok i admit this is rather sentimental. but thought about the idea of inner beauty which isn't normally physically visable however we have taken our perspectives of each other internally and articulated them visually an inward portait which is in many ways is a far more scary thought than the temporality captured in a photograph. if that light hits us wrong, we have stretch marks, or cellulite visuable on a thigh or even just bad hair although perhaps embarassing these things are more or less in our control and we can control how people see us with clothes make up lifestyle choices and banning of comera's in our presence but to control or personality is almost impossible. so i'm more scared to see my personality in painted techni-colour then if i was nude in heat magazine! (well almost i think you get my point)
Right I've got a couple of things i need to let you guys know!
Firstly and probably most importantly, i'm having a few issues with finding an exhibition space, i've tried a few private galleries but unfortunately nobody seems to be interested, i guess thats a problem when your a student...nobody seems to give a damn!
I'm still being persistant though, I've got a few options there, i was wondering if anyone else had any ideas...
Other things being was I need to know what kind of work you guys are wanting to exhibit, sizes amount and what sort of space you are going to need. Is there a day you've all got free that we can meet up and discuss so i know exactly what to look for and obviously promote.
Gimme a mail on, or give bex a ring and i wont be far away!
See you all soon
Personality Tests
Myers Briggs personality:
Extraverted (E) 89%
Intuitive (I) 77%
Feeling (F) 70%
Judging (J) 55%
these were my results its at:
The second one i found is an art / personality test that is supposed to identify the sort of art you like an decuce aspects of your personality:
Apparently i like Japanese UKiyo- e art
i also scored high in all the following:
emotional inteligence
the third test i took is made up of several smaller ones relating to gender.
this one said i was quite balanced in male and female brained,
except i am a very high empathesiser
i'm also left brained, could be why i talk too much
hope you find these interesting
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Back and ready to post!
I am back from sunny Turkey so i will be now free to post on the blog.
Hope everyone had a lovely Easter Sunday.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
This is one of the very many minimalist structures, but it gives you the idea.....despite the fact we are painting the construction of the finished collaboration started me thinking about minimalism, and how we are thinking about presenting ...without the hierarchical pomp.....involving our audience....allowing to touch.....highlighting the viewer/voyeur concept.
Amongst the minimalists were Sol LeWitt, Robert Morris, Dan name a few ...they all took part in an exhibition in 1960's called Primary Structures and was a turning point in how art was viewed and exhibited.
I thought that despite the fact we are painting a feminine thought provoking illusion, there is a grounding in the finished piece being an interactive construction rather than just a decorative vision!
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Piet Mondrian
"his aim was to create an objective art of disciplin whose laws would somehow reflect the order of the universe. The pure line and colour highlights the painting's connection to the De Stijl movement of which he was a member"
(The Art Book, Phaidon Press Limited, london, 1994)
"Mondrian's paintings are not composed of perfectly flat planes of color, as one might expect. Brush strokes are evident throughout, although they are subtle, and the artist appears to have used different techniques for the various elements." (
I wanted to look a bit closer at his personal life to see if it had a direct affect on his work! The work is very neat, structured, and some what obessive within the straight lines, and not crossing the borders! I did find some articals, (that I had forgotton to reference) that pointed to the fact that he was an Obessive Complusive, which for me make a lot of sense!
As I get further and further into this study, it is becoming more and more apparent the links between stuff like OCD, or personailty disorders.....and the way that it is applied directly within artworks!
B xx
Friday, 3 April 2009
out of touch
haven´t got much time but well wishes to you all.
Willem De kooning!
This is in relation to Mark Rothko, De Kooning's paintings started, well not colourful, but not dark, you can trace this descent into poverty in the 20' and 30's because of the change in colour, shape and form. (to poor to buy fine quailty artists paint, he used household black and white enamels You can also see the effects of alzheimer's within the colours used...
Thursday, 2 April 2009
More about Libra
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Leonardo Cremonese
This painting by Cremonese involves using oil paint on linen. Born in Brazil, Cremonese then moved to Sydney where he has been exhibiting work since 1991. His bright colours are inspiring and striking attracting the audience further into his work. He use of application is apparent in all of his works which creates a texture which is very unique. I like his loose and experimental feel throughout his work.
Mark Rothko
When Rothko started his colour field paintings they were radiant and bright progressively getting darker as he continued to progress to the point where he was producing black/grey and just black paintings at which point he committed suicide!! So moral of story......Don't paint Black!!
But to the point, Rothko's paintings are very intense...huge fields of colour which draw you into audience engagement. He built up layers of thin paint which evolved into a luminous vision on huge canvasses.
"Rothko, however, generally avoided explaining the content of his work, believing that the abstract image could directly represent the fundamental nature of human drama. For him, eschewing
representation permitted greater clarity, the elimination of all obstacles between the painter and the idea and between the idea and the observer."
I think that last statement is useful in thinking about how we will display and engage an audience in our colour works.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Gerhard Richter
4900 Colours comprises 196 square panels of 25 coloured squares that can be reconfigured in a number of variations, from one large-scale piece to multiple, smaller paintings. Richter developed a new version especially for the Serpentine Gallery exhibition: 4900 Colours: Version II, formed of 49 paintings of 100 squares.
4900 Colours is in the context of Richter’s design for the south transept window of Cologne Cathedral, which replaced the stained glass that was destroyed in World War II. Cathedral Window, unveiled in August 2007, comprises 11,500 hand-blown squares of glass in 72 colours that are derived from the palette of the original medieval glazing."
I guess in a way we are exploring a similar concept.....a painting derived from a palette of our own colours?...Maybe!
Gerhard Richter
Cy Twombly
human .....or in this/our case..... a feminine perspective.
This particular work (The Rose) is his latest...currently (which I why I used these images) at the Gagosian London.
Twombly works subjectively and I think with a subtlety not found in other, more renowned abstract expressionists of his time who err on the side over dramatising.
Well....that's just my opinion!!
Monday, 30 March 2009
Identity ....
Another idea that I've just had about the whole concept of Identity, came when I just typed Identity into google and it cam up with a web site on how to cope with Identity theft....I could feel my brain starting to kick into gear.....what a cool idea would it be if we had eough time to do this......we could attempt to swap our indenties with someone elses in the collaborative group, it could be an interesting thing to experiement with........
It's Identity theft in a completely different way! Think about it, when you hang out with certain people you may pick up or relflex parts of their personailty, with out even thinking about it. It's a fairly safe bet for me to say that everybody on this blogg knows someone who cheers them up with their cheery nauture, or someone that sets you on edge because of certain types of behaviour!
Anyway, have gone off on a complete rant, will try to post more constructive things from now on!
Bex x x x
spiritual psychol - bablity interesting overview, but not to be relied on, due to Wikipedias nature! this one has colour defintions, could be handy. just plain funny!
Bex x x
Everybody at large!
Star Sign: sagittarius
Gem Stone: TurquoiseBirth
Flower: paperwhite narcissus
Chinese year : Dragon
Element: fireI think this is it!
Questions Questions
1) If you were a car what car would you be? (I'd be a ford mustang)
2)If you were a flower which one would you be? ( I'd be a rose, methinks)
3)If you were a drink which one would you be? (JD and coke)
4)If you were an animal what would you be? (an Elephant)
5)If you were a dog, what breed would you be? ( an afghan hound)
6)If you were a classical God or Godess, who would you be? (Athena)
7)If you were a famous person who would you be? (Melvin Peake)
8)If you were a Disney charater what would you be? (Snow White)
9)If you were an era, which one would you be? (Victorian)
10)If you were an art material/tool what would you be? (I think acrylic paint)
Just a few here.......have a go at anwsering them yourselves, it could help people to produce a your painting :) and for us to learn a bit more about everybody!
Bex x
One more....
Artist's Work
The Box idea
happy boxing
Collaborative Practice Rules
You must not use the following materials, packets , text or anything recycled.
As a guidline only we have dicussed the use of textiles incuding beads buttons threads and safety pins.
The main media shall be paint with up to a 30% inference of another media type
No artists signatures on the front as yet as we are all part creators.
On the back of a single piece write who it portrays and who created it.
If we individually have ideas relating to the project they must be discussed at least via the blog before execution.
These canvas will be finished and presented to each other by they 14th of April
happy creating
Star Sign: Leo
Gem Stone: Ruby
Birth Flower: Sunflower
Chinese year : Rabbit
Element: Fire
Star Sign: Aries
Gem Stone: Diamond
Birth Flower: Honeysuckle
Chinese year : Dragon
Element: Fire
Looking at Identity
Star Sign: Libra
Gem Stone: Opal
Birth Flower: Bluebell & Large Roses
Chinese year : Dragon
Element: Air