Tuesday, 14 April 2009

"its beauty that captures your attention but personality that captures your heart" Anon

Ok i admit this is rather sentimental. but thought about the idea of inner beauty which isn't normally physically visable however we have taken our perspectives of each other internally and articulated them visually an inward portait which is in many ways is a far more scary thought than the temporality captured in a photograph. if that light hits us wrong, we have stretch marks, or cellulite visuable on a thigh or even just bad hair although perhaps embarassing these things are more or less in our control and we can control how people see us with clothes make up lifestyle choices and banning of comera's in our presence but to control or personality is almost impossible. so i'm more scared to see my personality in painted techni-colour then if i was nude in heat magazine! (well almost i think you get my point)

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