Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Personality Tests

I guys in a lack of finding any useful art i've been looking into the aspect of personality, found the following three tests i found interesting:

Myers Briggs personality:

Extraverted (E) 89%
Intuitive (I) 77%
Feeling (F) 70%
Judging (J) 55%

these were my results its at:


The second one i found is an art / personality test that is supposed to identify the sort of art you like an decuce aspects of your personality:


Apparently i like Japanese UKiyo- e art
i also scored high in all the following:
emotional inteligence

the third test i took is made up of several smaller ones relating to gender.


this one said i was quite balanced in male and female brained,
except i am a very high empathesiser
i'm also left brained, could be why i talk too much

hope you find these interesting

1 comment:

  1. I did the gender test, turns out that I'm more like a lady, and as we hav already gessed, i don't have any spatial awareness! Also I have a left sided brain!
