I am as always drawn to Cy Twombly's work and given that we are going to be painting it is a good excuse to look at his work again. Also his work is driven by humanity and the perspectives of!!! I.e. painting perspectives! I certainly agree with you Claire about the aura paintings, and am not keen, but as you say it seems to be the way painting portrays human aura's ...which makes me want to keep well away from that approach. I am inclined to take my lead from Twombly and work towards an introspective...but not.... nostalgic, romantic view of
human .....or in this/our case..... a feminine perspective.

This particular work (The Rose) is his latest...
currently (which I why I used these images) at the Gagosian London.
Twombly works subjectively and I think with a subtlety not found in other, more renowned abstract expressionists of his time who err on the side over dramatising.
Well....that's just my opinion!!
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