Monday, 30 March 2009

Identity ....

I've just found this website : This paper looks at the concept of Identity from a philosophical point of view, it's quite wordy, but goes into lots of depth and different ideas!

Another idea that I've just had about the whole concept of Identity, came when I just typed Identity into google and it cam up with a web site on how to cope with Identity theft....I could feel my brain starting to kick into gear.....what a cool idea would it be if we had eough time to do this......we could attempt to swap our indenties with someone elses in the collaborative group, it could be an interesting thing to experiement with........

It's Identity theft in a completely different way! Think about it, when you hang out with certain people you may pick up or relflex parts of their personailty, with out even thinking about it. It's a fairly safe bet for me to say that everybody on this blogg knows someone who cheers them up with their cheery nauture, or someone that sets you on edge because of certain types of behaviour!

Anyway, have gone off on a complete rant, will try to post more constructive things from now on!

Bex x x x

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